Wednesday, July 31, 2013

5 Most Important Things While Making A Website

Hi guys, In this article i will tell you about web designing. 5 things that you must know while making a website.
There are many aspect of creating a website.
A Web designer have to do a lot of things at the same time while creating Or launching a website .So there are many chances of mistake while creating a website however having a habit of check list can prevent you from lot of mistakes.We are sharing the 5 most important things every Web designer should know before launching your website or you got a other option to do mistakes and learn. An easy steps you can follow.

1: 404 Error

Well if you talk about 404 Error page it comes quite off target for many web designer because they do not have the access to setup ( 404 Page) on blogger infect when you design a theme for WordPress, It is very important that you setup a 404 page.
The function of 404 page is to prevent your website from broken links.
So as per my thinking you should setup a 404 page to prevent your website from this error.

2: Do All Links Work?

It is important for web designer to make sure that when a visitor visit his website.
He can the exact information he looking for.So it would be a bad idea to disappoint your visitor by uploading pages that do not exist.So before launching your website its good to check all the links that they working or not instead of spoiling your credibility by uploading those fake pages. It is very important.

3: Mobile Compatibility

If it will be your biggest mistake as a developer that you consider that majority of people will use PC or laptop to access your website and consider the mobile internet users in minority.Things have started to change because everyone have smart these days and they like to access the websites using there smart phones instead of PC or laptop.So the demand of mobile compatibility for a website is very important which means work for a designer has doubled up but tools like mobilizer and mobify can be helpful to check and debug issues related to mobile compatibility.Its demand is growing fastly everywhere.

4: Site Map And Meta Tags

Site map is most important part of a website.You should add a site map on the root folder of your website which will help the web spiders crawl your website faster and you will be drive a heavy amount of traffic from the search engines in return.Secondly Meta tags are associated with the S.E.O of your design.
It is very important that a web designer setup proper meta description and keyword for every article on your blog to get the maximum hits from search engines.

5: Cross Browser Compatibility

We are living in a world where out look is everything, So it is very important for a web designer to make sure that the website looks the same in all browsers.
Before launching a website verify that your site is accessible to all the people on every major browser.For this cross browser compatibility.You can use Browser shot as a tool which helps you to takes snapshots of your website across a wide array of browsers and operating systems.All browser compatibility is very important to show your work.



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