Hi guys! In this article I will tell you about some Google Tips that will help you in using search engine in different purposes. Google is the greatest search engine that is being used worldwide and curerently has more than 89% market share. But this is not just a search engine it provides many things within the Google search box.
You can use this search engine as a calculator, changing values from one unit to another, getting exact definitions of words, converting currencies and much more that are mention below..
1: Use Google as a Calculator
Google can do any kind of mathematical calculation. You can add two numbers involving exponents. It can be use for any kind of complex calculations. Just type in the mathematical equation to get the output or search the "Calculator" to open a calculator on the search page.
2: Getting Definitions
There are many sites that are using this feature to find the required definations but there is a simple and best method to find the defination via just type on a search "Define:" at the start of word ehich you want to find the exact defination.
3: Convert Currencies Using Google
There are many websites and widgets that are being used for find the curruncy rates and convert them into another curreny. No doubt these websites are up to dates but you have to find first these websites and then select the required curreny to convert them into another currency. But Google has inbuilt curreny converter and this always up to date as other websites. Just search "Curreny Converter" on a Google search. The Google's currency converter will pop-up ehich allows you to convert any currency in short time.
4: Get Information About any Company or Brand
Now a days google provies everything you need even the latest articles like Wikipedia articles also. Wikipdia is best place to fine any kinf of information. But Google itself can be used for finfing key details of any company. Just search any kind of popular company name and google will provide all details along with search result.
5: Find Files of Specific Type
Now Google provides everything whatever you you want to search. Google also used to fined specific file , like PDF or PPT. If you want to get specifice type files you can write " filetype" keyword to specify he type of files you are looking for. If you want find any artilce in PDF form , just type "filetype:pdf article name". Now you have a list of article in pdf format.
6: Searching Within a Particular Website
If you know that the information you are searching of your popular site then you can perform this with a specific google search. like I want to search all the articles of my website , you can search "site:Softrickx.blogspot.com Google". This will provide all the pages and articles about "Google" on this site
7: Use Google For Converting Units
Coverting units has always been a difficult task. This is a difficult to remember all the units but dont worry Google is here to solve your problems. For example you want to know and search for "10 kilometers to mile" and Google will provide you the converted result in visual unit converter which can be used to convert Mass, Lenght, Tamperature, Speed and other units.
8: Getting Time in Other Countries
Now you can find the time of your country. You will see the time difference between yours and the other country and then calculating it manually. Just Google it like “time in Pakistan” and find the answer.
9: Excluding Terms From Search Results
Now you can search on Google for any Excluding Terms From Search Results. Suppose you are searching for “Best Computer Chips”, and you do not want to buy or read about AMD chips for any reason. Then you can tweak your query to search for best computer chips excluding AMD like so, “Best Computer Chips -AMD”.
10: Finding Results Within a Time Range
Now you can find the result with it timline. You know that Windows 7 was launched in 2009 and you want to search for those articles which talked about its launching within the period of 2009-2010. You can search for “Windows 7 Launch 2009..2010” to find the articles written from 2009 to 2010 about “Windows 7 Launch”
So how are these cool tricks? Give me your feedback if you like my posts.
Welcome :)